Have a backup in place with our locking and unlocking service
If you can’t get into your business premises then a locking and unlocking service from Intacept Security, Peterborough can be your solution. Enquire today. We also cover Cambridge, Bedford, Huntingdon, St Ives, St Neots, Biggleswade and Spalding.
You should always have access
It’s easily done. Everybody’s standing outside the door, waiting for the keyholder to turn up, and then it dawns on everyone that the keyholder is on holiday or off sick. Your team can’t get in. They can’t open the doors. They can’t answer the phones. You’re now paying for labour but the business isn’t making money.
You might take measures to mitigate the risk of it happening again, like better communication or more effective scheduling, but the risk is still very much there. The bottom line is that access to the property should only ever be a phone call away. And that’s what Intacept Security’s locking and unlocking service can provide.

With Intacept Security, you’ve always got an option
Our team at Intacept Security can provide a complete locking and unlocking service that covers every sort of permutation. If a keyholder is off sick or on holiday, we can come down and arrange access. If an alarm needs setting or unsetting, we can action it. Our service also incorporates securing windows and doors, switching off lights and equipment, providing staff access outside of normal business hours and liaising with emergency services and contractors if needed.
We can also expand on the service and provide a patrol service should it be required. But beyond that, you also get to limit who has access to your premises and nullify the risk of someone leaving the business and taking their keys with them. In effect, you’re always covered.
Why opt for Intacept Security?
Qualified team
24/7 availability
SIA-licensed security provider
Professional service
30 years in the sector